Thursday 21 March 2013

Critical Literacy

Sometimes, I have tendency on listening to the others.Same goes to one of the killer subjects in the forth semester, which is Critical Literacy. Before entering the second year, i have already heard about this particular subject from the seniors. Some were good and most of them were not. 

To be truth, I was really insecure with that kind of information. I started to questioned my ability to take this subject. Whether or not, I could manage to apply critical thinking in most of the evaluation process. 

As I have already just started on this subject, I was expecting some ease on the learning process and I am expecting something different from this particular subject compared to the other. I hope that I will be able to be critical enough to critically analyzing some critical situation  that have been given to us. well, now its sound critical already.

Most importantly, I hope through Critical Literacy, I can learnt to view things in a different way. Perceive other people's view as well as mine can actually generate better skills of thinking and that, is what I strive for.

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